We are both invited and commanded to bring our requests before God (Philippians 4:6). Prayer includes adoration, worship, and focusing on God's Presence. In prayer we submit to God's purpose and will rather than demanding our own way, but requests are also part of God's will and God wants us to bring our heart's to Him in both personal petitions and intercessions for others. Prayer includes dependence in all Christian endeavors on God's power and blessing.
"No one can believe how powerful prayer is and what it can effect, except those who have learned it by experience. It is important when we have a need to go to God in prayer. I know, whenever I have prayed earnestly, that I have been heard and have obtained more than I prayed for. God sometimes delays, but He always comes." - Martin Luther, Table Talk, "What Power hath Prayer."
"Prayer changes not only our attitude toward God but also God's attitude toward us. Prayer is able to move the hand of God because God has willed from all eternity to act in and through the prayers of his children." - Donald Bloesch, Theological Notebook vol. II.
Please join us in praying for:
(1) All the families and volunteers who were involved with our Sunday School and youth outreach programs.
(2) Pray for the healing of deep divisions within our society.
(3) Regarding the Coronavirus, we pray for a diminishment of the potency and destructive power of this virus as it is transmitted around the world and continues to mutate. We ask for God's protection and mercies to be given to the most vulnerable people. We ask for the protection of all medical workers and caregivers, those serving in our own community and around the world.
(4) Together with these prayers, we pray for God's will to be done in, through and beyond this crisis. We pray for God to move us toward the spiritual awakening that we need. Our society's greatest need is to seek and find God's reality and place Christ at the center of our lives.
(5) Pray for Christians to remember that our hope is in Jesus Christ, who brings God's Presence close to us and who affirms there is an eternal dimension to be regarded in all earthly living. We have an eternal hope that temporary changes and threats cannot take away. May we live in the light of this hope and our calling.
We are redesigning our prayer section so that individuals can leave prayer requests. However, we have two concerns. First, please make it short, only a couple of sentences. Second, make sure you do not name anyone who would possibly be embarrassed. Anything that would shame or embarrass another person will have to be eliminated.
We are most favorable to receiving information about the needs of Christians in various parts of the world. For example, the Kamwe people of Nigeria need money for the printing of the translation of the entire Bible into their language - this has been completed by Prof. Roger Mohrlang and Wycliffe Bible Translators, but funds are needed for the publication costs.